Show Some Love


Sometimes – read: most times – it’s so easy to be hard on ourselves while being so kind to others (internet trolls not included in this obviously) that we care about. I’m learning a lot during this time in isolation but one of the things that I’m truly trying to embrace is being kinder to myself. Not feeling guilt for not doing anything some days and a lot others. Not feeling bad about sleeping in if that’s what I feel like doing. And not being too hard on myself when I look in the mirror during the day. It’s a strange period for all of us and I don’t think it would be any better because we come down hard on ourselves. It’s hard when social media is so accessible and especially since it takes up of our time during these days (maybe I should only speak for myself) and we see all of the people we follow working out, learning a new language, cooking new recipes and cleaning out closets etc. If you can see that as inspiration, I think that’s great, but if you feel bad seeing all of this, please know that it’s ok to take a little break from your phone or the computer and just care for yourself. And, please know that social media is often a very polished version of reality (and not everything is always the truth or the whole story).


Slow Mornings

