Winter in Italy


I’m spending the last couple of days of 2019, and will be spending the first couple of days of 2020, travelling together with my family. And I couldn’t have asked for anything else. Growing up, we used to travel quite a bit during the winter holidays since my mom hated the winter and my dad always had a thing for travel and adventures. We spent several Christmases and New Years on a beach in Thailand, flew to Florida and enjoyed days by the pool and rang in the New Year in Italy. I think those are the Christmases I remember the most. After our parents divorced the time during the holidays became a bit tricky and I never felt as though we really found our new “groove” as a family. But last year (spent in a winter white Sweden) and this year travelling between France and Italy, felt so calm and exactly what we all needed. We spent the first couple of days in Paris and Nice together with my family and thereafter my sister and I continued on to Italy to meet up with our moms. The days are spent eating, watching movies, playing games and going for long walks – everything I needed and more.

Photo by: Sara Olsson

A New Year


Happy Holidays