Dior Homme

Bag: Diorever by Dior – Coat: COS

I don't normally do a lot of menswear shows during men's fashion week here in Paris but who could say no to Dior? And Berluti to be completely honest. I would call it good practice before next week when Haute Couture Week begins again and things will get a little bit more stressful. It's not rare for me to have a major bag-crush (anyone who knows me can testify to that) but there's something about this Diorever bag by Dior that is just a little bit extra special... If you want to see more from yesterday (or from the upcoming Haute Couture Week next week) you can follow along on Instagram or Snapchat!

Photo of me: Hana Le Van – Hair & Make-up: Trine Juel

I Am Poison


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