An Oasis


I just got back home from a couple of days in Marrakech. It was my second time there and my third time to Morocco. The purpose of the trip was to go for the Dior Cruise show (more about that magical experience soon!) but I decided to go a few days earlier on my own to get some down-time before the Cruise experience started. …And boy am I glad that I did! I’m so happy to have had some time to discover the hotel we stayed at, The Selman, where I fell in love with these adorable babies. If it looks like I’m ridiculously happy in these pictures, it’s because I most definitely was. It makes me feel so happy and so good to be in a bit of nature again. And around horses. I used to do horseback riding for years and year as a young girl (until I got thrown off) and love being around these beautiful, beautiful animals. I stood close to these two white horses, squealing like an idiot until a man who worked at the hotel came up to me and asked if I wanted to bring them out. Obviously the answer was yes. We became best friends. And yes, one of them did try to eat my bag. But that’s ok since they’re so unbelievably cute.

Photos by: Ylenia Cuéllar (edited by me)

Shades of Pink


Dior Cruise